How much money does your mother give you everyday?


Jawaban 1
Berapa banyak uang yang d berikan ibumu setiap hari?

it depends (tergantung)
sometimes my mother gives me ten thousand
(kadang2 ibuku memberiku sepuluh ribu)
Jawaban 2
Berapa banyak uang ibumu yang diberikan padamu setiap hari ?
maaf kalo salah

Pertanyaan Terkait

Mengajar,menemukan,menyentuh,membersihkan,mendengarkan. Verb 1 2 3nya adalah


Mengajar = Teach, taught, taught
Menemukan = find, found, found
Menyentuh = touch, touched, touched
Membersihkan = clean, cleaned, cleaned
Mendengarkan = Listen, listened, listened

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
Teach taught taught. Find found found. Clean cleaned cleaned. Listen listened listened. Sorry ya yg menyentuh kurang tau

Does deni know abaut the news a yes she do
b yes she does c no she is not
d no she does not


Does deni know about the news ?
b. yes, she does . and
d. No, she does not

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
B. yes, she does.......

Membuat teks deskripsi tentang dompet yang hilang dalam bahasa inggris!


I have lost my wallet. It is a black wallet. Its size is 10x7 cm. Inside the wallet are my student card and Rp.400.000. If you find it, contact me immediately on 0274-547671 or you can also see me at Jl. Antasari 13

Mention warning sign that you can find in the : 1. church
2. school
3. library
4. restaurant
5. apartment
6. house
7. parking place motorcyle
8. parking place car
9. roadway/jalan raya
tolong jawab semua secepatnya masing masing 1 & harus beda-beda kata-katanya dan kalau bisa yang singkat ya kalimatnya, makasih.

Jawaban,do not noisly,do not litering
3.library,do not noisly,no smoking,no litering
5.apartment,no animal,no litering
7.parking place motorcycle,no locking the steer
8.parking place car,do not left  valuables in the car
9.roadway/jalan raya ,do not park here,don turn left/right

Menulis,membaca,berenang,bermain,mengambil,mmberi veb1 2dan3nya adalah


Menulis = Write, wrote, written
Membaca = Read, read, read
Berenang = Swim, swam, swum
Bermain = Play, played, played
Mengambil = Take, took, taken
Memberi = Give, gave, given

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
Menulis = write-wrote-written

TASK28 Arrange the words to from meaningful warnings.
Start with the underlined words.

1.The-touch-rail-live-do not
4.cause-and-strokes-cigarettes-heart diseases
5.farries-reasons-during-will not-sefety-stroms-be operating-for


1. Do-not-touch-the-live-rail
2. the-passengers-must-not-cross-the-line
3. Close-and-lock-the-windows-before-leaving
4. Cigarettes-cause-stroke-and-heart diseases
5. Farries-will not-be operating-during-stroms-for-safety-reasons

What about making delicious food or fresh drinks? Do you often do this by yourself?


Bagaimana dengan membuat makanan lezat atau minuman segar? apakah kamu sering melakukan ini sendiri?
I Think : I made meals and fresh drinks with my own desire and I often do it at home

Simple present tense dari kalimat work usually starts at 9


Usually She starts to work at 9
atau She usually starts to work at 9

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
I start to work usually at 9

Buatlah kalimat pernyataan. dengan kalimat awal present tense menjadi past tense, present co tinous menjadi past continous dan present perfect menjadi past perfect.
jangan lupa ubah ke bahasa inggris dan jangan lupa ketika mengubahnya jadi kalimat pernyataan pakai kata said


-My sister takes my pen(Simple present tense) > my sister took my pen(simple past tense).
-He is making an article(present continuous) > He was making an article(past continuous).
-I have taken the book(present perfect) > I had taken the book(past perfect)

What is 'hornbills','the iconic brahminy','dociel' in malay


Kalo gasalah Hornbills : Kenyalang, Dociel : Jinak Kalo the iconic brahminy aku gatau

Simple past tense dari kata :we often arrive late


Verb 1 nya jd verb 2
we often arrived late
kami biasa datang terlambat

Fill in the blanks with 'enough', 'none', or 'some'! 1. Buy me ... sugar, please
2. I have ... pictures to show you
3. There are many children in the yard ... of them are playing and the others are chatting
4. oh, my God. There won't be ... cookies for everybody
5. May i have ... papers?

Fill in the blanks with 'much', 'many', or'a lot of'
6. we have .. teen magazines to distribute to our friends
7. how much ... do you need to buy the toys?
8. the bookstore sells ... story books from abroad
9. how ... ribbon do you need to decorate this living room?
10. he is a shy boy. He doesn't say ...



8.a lot of
1,2,3,5. some
4. enough

Do you like eating delicious food or drinking fresh juices?


Apakah kamu menyukai makan makanan yang lezat atau meminum jus yang segar? #semogabermanfaat
Apa kau suka makanan enak atau minum jus segar?

"good luck"

tolong buatkan description about teacher,judulnya "my teacher". minimal 8 kalimat ya,nanti aku ksih jawaban tercerdas


My favorite Teacher

    My favorite teacher is Mrs. Gumantir. She is a teacher of English lesson. She is about forty two years old. She lives in Yogya.

   She is tall and thin. She is also beautiful. She has long, straight, and black hair. Mrs. Gumantir has bright skin. Her eyes is black. Mrs. Gumantir is brilliant person. She is very patient and friendly. She always help the student who have some problem in English lesson. She also answer when her student ask to her. That is why a lot of student like her very much. Mrs. Gumantir is really a good teacher. I really love her.

...! the students are having examination a. be careful
b.go out
c. be quite
d. move there


Jawabanya adalah C .......
Jawabannya c. be quite

Moral value semut dan belalang


It is wise to plan ahead for hard times

I don't want to ... this without you


I don't want to do this without you
Saya tidak ingin melakukan ini tanpa kamu
Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
I don't want to do this without you

Tolong bantu buat recount text panjang tentang jatuh dari sepeda dlm bahasa inggris


Recount text
felt off the bike
i had a terrible experience last week.
my father bought me a new bike
he bought it because i got an excellent score in english test
i didn't know how to ride a bike
my father taught me how to and it took me only one day to be able to do so
i was so confident that i could ride my bike without a help from my father
so last saturday after school i rode my bike to my friend's house. i went there because all my classmates were there to have a meeting for our next camp discussion
i was so excited that i wanted to show my friends i had a new bike and i could ride it
when i arrived there i saw my friends were sitting down on benches in front of the field
i waved at them and said yuhuuuuuuuu....i didn't notice there were bushes
i hit the bushes and felt off the bike
all my friends were laughing, they found it funny because i waved like miss universe
that was embarrasing....they helped me and taught me to ride like a pro
though i had unpleasant experience but i gained knowledge at the same time
thanks to my father for the bike and to my friends for the good advice

How to Make Guava Juice ...

1. First, wash the guavas thoroughly.
2. Cut them into small pieces.
3. Put them into the blender.
4. Add two spoonful of sugar into the blender.
5. Add two glasses of water into the blender.
6. Press the 'ON' button and wait for 1 minute or until it is mixed well.
7. Press the 'OFF' button.
8. Pour the guava juice into the glass.
9. Put a strae in each glass.
10. The guava juice is ready to serve.


When do we put the water into the blender?
a. Before washing the guavas.
b. Before turning on the blender.
c. After adding it with some sugar.
d. After putting some sugar into the blender.


The answer is B.before turning on the blender
B. before turning on the blender

Make a dialog based on the following situation! Last semester, you got the first rank in your class. Your parents gave you a present that is a pair of new shoes. Your express grattitude to you parents.


Hello mom...i have rank in my u proud with me

Pertanyaan Lainnya
UM UGM Biologi | Pilih jawaban yang benar (boleh lebih dari satu) dan jelaskan | 1. Dalam konservasi air, pengelolaan kelembapan tanah berkaitan dengan … (1) tekstur tanah (2) pengolahan tanah (3) penggunaan bahan organic (4) aliran air permukaan. Motif hias bunga mempunyai makna 1. Bagian mata yang mengatur jumlah cahaya yang masuk ke dalam mata adalah.... 2. Sebuah benda yang tingginya 12 cm diletakkan 10 cm didepan cermin cembung yang jari-jari kelengkungannya 30 cm. Sifat-sifat bayangan yang dibentuk oleh cermin tersebut adalah.... bak penampungan air berisi 1.650 liter dialirkan melalui 2 buah pipa dengan debit 15 liter / menit dan 20 liter/ menit selama 3\4 jam Penetapan waktu indonesia bagian tengah berpatokan pada garis? UM UGM Biologi | Pilihlah benar atau salah dan jelaskan kenapa | 1. Kelas Coniferinae merupakan anggota Gymnospermae yang berumah dua. SEBAB Kelas Coniferinae menghasilkan dua macam strobilus pada satu individu tanaman. Jelaskan bagaimana mekanisme pengeluaran enzim? Mengapa daerah hulu sungai banyak terdapat batu yang besar Tentukan arti dari kata ulang berikut ini dengan menggunakan dalam kalimat! a. kehijau-hijauan b.gerak-gerik c.bercakap-cakap d.mondar-mandir e.menteri-menteri 7mm×0,,tolong jawab ya Mengapa di angkasa kita mengapung Partai politik yang dibentuk PPKI bernama UM UGM Biologi | Pilihlah benar atau salah dan jelaskan kenapa | 1. Rasa dan aroma yang berbeda-beda pada buah mangga menunjukkan keanekaragaman spesies. SEBAB Keanekaragaman pada tingkat spesies dapat diamati dari fenotipe hasil ekspresi gen. Siapa sajakah yg menjadi anggota rt Volume uap air yang diukur pada keadaan standar adalah 33,6 liter. berapa mol uap air? berapa gram massa uap air? berapa jumlah molekul uap air tersebut? diketahui ArH= 1, ArO= 16. tolong di jawab... please Fatahillah atau falatehan lebih dikenal dengan sebutan? Jika jarum jam panjang dan jarum jam pendek sebuah jam membentuk sudut 120° waktu menunjukkan pukul? Contoh conversion month Dataran rendah merupakan dataran dengan ketinggian......... Riwayat dalam perjuangan dr.sutomo