Contoh undangan ke teman anda untuk menghadiri pesta bayi lahir kakakku.


Jawaban 1
Happy News.
My sister has already his first baby.
Yup! it's a boy.
I hope you could to see my sister's baby tomorrow at my home 9 am.
it's more colorful if you come to our birth's party.


semoga Terbantu ya...

Pertanyaan Terkait

Contoh text biography tentang teman sebangku


R.A Kartini

Each April 21 peolple in indonesia celebrate the kartini day. It is delightful day for the lady on the grounds that we praise the conception of incredible woman R.A. Kartini. Everybody knows who Kartini is. She is our national champion and an extraordinary woman with the brilliant thought.
Kartini was conceived in 1879 April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her dad was Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana (associate of head of rule) in Mayong. Her mom, Ma Ngasirah was a young lady from Teluk Awur town in Jepara as the little girl of a respectable family

Bahasa inggrisnya slalu bahagia dalam hidup


Always be happy in life

Mending terjemah di google aja , mudah dan simple

Tolong artikan ke inggris dg grammar yg benar ya kakak Sebenarnya kita ini bangsa yang menganut paham demokrasi, bukan sosialis ataupun komunis. Tapi apa yang terjadi di lapangan tak mencerminkan makna demokrasi itu sendiri. Jika kalian ditanya apa paham kita? tentulah kalian menjawab dg sigapnya bersua .... demokrasi.
Cobalah utk memahami diri kalian masing -masing. Demokrasi tak seperti hal yag sangat sederhana bagai hanya mwmbacanya saja dalam undang-undang. Namun juga harus disertai jiwa yang tulus serta suci dalam menjalankan segala tangging jawab kita sebagai seseorang dalam masyarakat. Jadi, jangan bersikap sosialis dg mengelompok -lompokkan manusia berdasarkan hal-hal yg kalian anggap itu adalah perbedaan yg jadi masalah.
Berpikirlah yg jernih.


Actually we using the idea of ​​democracy,not socialist or communist
  but what just happened in the field doesn't reflects the meaning of democracy. if you guys ask what is our idea? of course you guys answer

ebenarnya kita ini bangsa yang menganut paham demokrasi, bukan sosialis ataupun komunis. Tapi apa yang terjadi di lapangan tak mencerminkan makna demokrasi itu sendiri. Jika kalian ditanya apa paham kita? tentulah kalian menjawab

sisanya kerjain sendidri yy

Apa itu animator dalam pariwisata


An animator is a person who creates and organizes animation program in the club in cooperation with his team and entertain tourism with different kinds of activities and social activities.
Kalo gak salah yah,,,orang yg njelasin2 tntang pariwisata sebuah tempat.

complete the follow conditipnal sentences. the first one is done for you. 1. if i get a headache, i (........) 2. if i had a red sports car., (.....)


1. If I get a headache, I will see a doctor or I will eat medicine.
1. Jika saya mengalami sakit kepala, saya akan bertemu dokter atau saya akan makan obat.

2. If I had a red sports car, I would drive it carefully.
2. Jika saya memiliki sebuah mobil sport merah, saya akan mengendarainya dengan hati-hati.
1. If I get a headache, I will buy drugs
2. If I had a red sports car, I would invite you to visit my uncle.

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

Change the sentences into active form 1. dragon ball was created by yuni
2. my pencils was being cut by dinda


-Yuni created a dragon ball
-Dinda was cutting my pencils.
1. dragon ball was created by yuni
- Yuni created dragon ball
2. my pencils was being cut by dinda
- Dinda was cutting my pencils

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

Change the sentences into passive form
1. iqbal ate in the restaurant


1. iqbal ate in the restaurant
Kalimat ini tidak bisa di jadikan passive. Karena pada kalimat ini tidak ada objectnya

Bahasa ibggrisnya milad


Milad berasal dari bahasa arab yaitu Maulid yang berarti hari lahir/ulang tahun. 
jadi Milad bahasa inggrisnya Happy birthday.
 Happy birthday

semoga bermanfaat

Contoh conversation in class


In the classroom .........
Tia : Hey good morning, Lia. How are you today?
Lia : I am fine, Tia. Have you finished your English assignment?
Tia : I Have not finished all yet. There are some items which I don't understand.
Lia : Which one, Tia?
Tia: I don't understand number five and six. It is about passive voice.
Lia : Can you finish these items?
Tia : Honestly I don't understand too about that material. Any Idea?
Lia : I have asked to another friend. But no one understand too. How about
asking to Miss Gumantir?
Tia : That is good idea. Let us go to Miss Gumantir’s room.
Lia : Yeah, Let's go.

(school-teachers, all, wise, well-informed, old, enough) should be tollerant all the time. Kalo disusun pake aturan adjective order jadinya begimana?


School teachers should be old, wise, well-informed, and tolerant all the time

Bahasa inggrisnya buku


Buku (tunggal) = book
buku (jamak) = books
Bahasa inggris dari buku book 

Dokter ahli sakit perut dalam arti bahasa inggris


Abdominal pain specialist / Expert doctors Stomach pain
Abdominal (stomach) pain specialist.


Contoh pidato dengan tema Wanita muslimah


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Respectable all of teacher

Honourable all of my friends

On this occasion, by celebrating of Kartini’s Day, let us together giving thanks for the gift of health and opportunity given by Allah swt. So we can gather together to interpret the meaning of Kartini’s Day.

As we know, she is a familiar name to the people of Indonesia. Kartini's word reminds us the figure of a woman who struggled for the sake of enhancing the dignity. Raden Ajeng Kartini was crowned as a pioneer of women's emancipation movement in Indonesia. This term of emancipation it comes from a movement in Western countries previously. Women feel that they have been put low and became the second class citizens. It lead to accumulate of customer dissatisfaction with the women and what came to be called the struggle for equality of emancipation

Understanding or definition of women emancipation itself literally is the equality of rights and gender. The women emancipation could be interpreted as an attempt to create equality of women's rights against the rights of men in all areas of life. The women emancipation aimed at giving women the opportunity to work, learn and work just like the men, balanced with her ability.

Every woman would not want to feel and experience failure in preclude. Therefore, as ladies, let us together reach for dreams and careers as high as possible without having to forget our natural women.  I have said just now at the expense of her nature as a woman is a woman's most eternal landslide. Prior, mother wants to reach for PKK as high as possible that cannot be forgetting his origin as a woman who has a husband and son. They need it far more as woman career forget the obligations which she was supposed to speak first.

Voiced by Kartini's emancipation, it demands that women were gaining an adequate education. Raising the level of women are less valued in the Javanese community and freedom of speech.
Thus in commemorating the Kartini day April 21, which we expect of course Kartini's spirit and pioneer of gender equality became a role model for women in Indonesia. But we should remember that in the fight for gender equality did not forget her nature as a woman.

That’s all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me.

Contoh pidato dengan tema Wanita muslimah


Sudah sudah sudah sudah

Pesan moral hansel greetel dalam b.inggris


don't talk to or take anything from a stranger and don't go into a stranger's house.

Cara membuat kalimat asking & giving suggestion? thanks


Asking suggestion : do you think i should go to the bookstore or the library to find this book?

giving suggestion : i think you should go to the library. it is cheaper than buy it.

Bahasa inggris nya megikom


Rice cooker kak :))))))
Rice cooker...........

Bahasa inggris nya gelas


Glass.....maaf kalau salah
Gelas bahasa inggrisnya adalah glass

Bahasa inggris nya sendok


Spoon semoga memebantu ya...
Spoon, scoop, ladle, cochleare, spoonlike tool

Tolong buatkan puisi bahasa inggris yang memuat peribahasa minimal 3 bait ya....


You are the light in the darkness
Illuminate our path towards the light
You dalah bridge
Who drove us to the dream

Thank you, O teacher Your services were invaluable
always remembered millions of human beings
Engraved in gold ink education

Although we often do not understand
Often only can make you angry
You wait with patience
Without asking quit teaching to us

Pertanyaan Lainnya
PBB yang bergerak di bidang kebudayaan Ada berapa jumlah hutan di seluruh dunia? pada saat mengatur paragraf di dokumen tombol yang di pilih untuk mendapatkan peralatan kiri dan kanan pada paragraf adalah tombol Bagaimana cara mengerjakan soal matematika tentang perbandingan sebuah Perusahaan Air Minum dalam kemasan mengadakan pengumpulan dan pemberian botol botol plastik bekas kemasan air minum tersebut Bisakah kamu perkirakan apa yang akan dilakukan perusahaan tersebut terhadap botol-botol plastik bekas Di bawah ini pejabat negara setingkat mentri ke cuali Jelaskan tentang ninja r jari jari 9.usaha dapat dikatakan profuktif bila.... a.banyak menghasilkan sesuatu b.tidak mengahadapi kendala c.maju terus d.hasilnya memuaskan konsumen 12.zaman sekarang, suatu usaha memerlukan hal-hal berikut ini,kecuali a.inovasi b.kreatifitas c.kerja keras d.konsumtif 13.menciptakan sesuatu yang baru tanpa ada contoh sebelumnya adalah a.inovasi b.kreatifitas c.kerja keras d.produksi 14.perintah untuk bekerja keras sesuai dengan firman allah dalam surah al-isyirah ayat a.4 b.5 c.6 d.7 15.penemuan sesuatu yang baru dalam bidang tertentu disebut.. a.inovatif b.aktif c.kreatif d.produktif Sebutkan golongan angkatan kerja! Mengambil napas gaya bebas ke ....... 30,50 bila diubah menjadi pecahan biasa= Diket P={a,b,c,d} dan Q={2,3,5}.Banyaknya pemetaan dari P ke Q adalah..(beserta caranya) Lembaga pemerintahan kabupaten/kota dan provinsi yaitu Unsuryg diambil tumbuhan dari udara melalui daun Tujuan didirikannya lembaga HAM di indonesia Bagaimana cara mengemukakan pendapat dimuka umum? Nama nama provinsi di buat tabel keliling belah ketupat 104 cm jika salah satu diagonalnya 24 cm,hitunglah,diagonal yang satu lagi dan luas belah ketupat Perbedaan Koleratif sama subordinatif? Berada dalam pengendalian seseorang disebut