4 aturan yang ada dikebun binatang dan 4 aturan yg ada diarea parkir


Jawaban 1
4 aturan yang ada dikebun binatang (four rules in the zoo):
- no smoking (dilarang merokok)
- visitors 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times (anak usia di bawah 12 tahun harus selalu didampingi orangtua/wali)
- do not feed the animals (jangan memberi makan hewan)
- respect and leave untouched the plants and native wildlife around (sayangi tanaman di sekitar kita dan jangan menyentuhnya)

4 aturan yg ada diarea parkir (four rules in the parking area):
- within one metre of another vehicle parked in front or behind (beri jarak sekitar 1 meter pada sisi buntu kendaraan)
- park in the same direction as the adjacent traffic and parallel (parkir kendaraan paralel searah dengan arah lalulintas)
- always park your vehicle in the same direction as shown on the sign (parkir kendaraan sesuai dengan rambunya)
- never leave children in a parked vehicle (jangan pernah meninggalkan anak-anak di dalam kendaraan)

Pertanyaan Terkait

Teman kami berenang di kolam renang setiap hari sabtu.(+) (-)(?)


(+) Our friend swims in the swimming pool every Saturday
(-) Our friend doesn't swim in the swimming pool every Saturday
(?) Does your friend swim in the swimming pool every Saturday

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
(+) Our friend swims in the swimming pool every Saturday.

(-) Our friend doesn't swim in the swimming pool every Saturday.

(?) Does our friend swim in the swimming pool every Saturday?

4 aturan yg biasanya berada di pantai


No swimming!

throw your rubbish in the right bin!

be carefull with the sea snake!

no fire camp on the beach!

Change into indirect speech ! 1. "I don't like Japanese food."
Laila said that.....
2. "Pass me the sugar, please."
Fahmi asked me.....
3. "Don't step on the grass!"
The gardener warned us....

yang jawab nanti aku kasih jawaban terbaik deh


1. laila said that she didn't like japanese food.
2. fahmi ordered me to pass him the sugar.
3. the gardener forbade us to step on the grass.

B indonesia nya ateacher


Yang ada juga a teacher yang artinya seorang guru.
A teacher kali.. klo a teacher seorang guru

Arrange the scrambled words below into good sentences! 1. Bad - the - weather ...
2. Narrow - the - street ...
3. Boy - lazy - a ...
4. Two - cars - black ...
5. Child - a - funny ...

Tolong bantu jawab dgn benar!!!


1.the weather bad
2. the narrow street
3.a lazy boy
4 two black cars
5 a funny child
1. the bad weather
2. the narrow street
3. a lazy boy
4. two black cars
5. a funny child

Make sentences using the following prepositions ! 1. on...
2. under....
3. in front of....
4. behind...
5. beside...
6. between...
7. in...
8. above..


1. the book is on the table
2. the cat is under the chair
3. market is in front of school
4. the bicycle is behind thr car
5. i stand beside you
6. Lina sit between Daniel and Robert
7. i am in the room
8. the toys are above the table

Change the nouns in the brackets into adjectiv


Kagak ada tu nounnya

Tidak ada noun nya dalam kurung

Icha and i ..... close friends


Icha and i are close friends

Sebutkan tanda2 atau rambu2 yang biasa ditemukan disekolah


Dilarang membuang sampah sembarangan
Dilarang merokok dan Dilarang membuang sampah sembarangan

Bhs inggrisnya ciri ciri


Ciri-ciri  = characteristic

Characteristic .........

Tolong jawab pertanyaan 1 sampai 10 yah. mekasih. pengumumannya:
May i have your attention, please? There will be held a cultural carnival to celebrate our 265th town anniversary. The carnival will be held on May 20, 2016 so we have two and half months to prepare.
The meeting will take place in the OSIS room, tomorrow after school. Therefore, all class captains of seventh and eighth grades are invited to a meeting to discuss this matter. Please be there on time. Thank you.
1. In your opinion, who delivers the announcement?
2. Who is the announcement addressed to?
3. What is the purpose of the announcement?
4. What will the meeting discuss?
5. What will be held on May 20, 2016?
6. What is the event held for?
7. Where will the meeting be held?
8. When will the meeting be?


1. the leader of osis committee
2. to all class captains of seventh and eighth grades
3. to announce that there will be a cultural carnival to celebrate the 25th town anniversary
4. the meeting will discuss about the preparation of the event
5. the carnival
6. to celebrate the 25th town anniversary
7. in the osis room
8. after school tomorrow

Kenapa Negara Israel sangat benci sama negara Palestina


Karena di al qur' an sudah diterangkan bahwa kedua negara akan selalu bermusuhan dan disebabkan oleh perebutan al quds untuk melanjutkan proyek penemuan kerajaan nabi sulaiman
Menurut saya maaf kalau sayah, bukannya yang memulai peperangan itu palestina yah ,sorry kalau salah  , walaupun saya islam saya tidak memihak palestina 

X:......that shoes? y:it is forty five thousand rupiahs


How much is that shoes
How much are that shoes? It is 45 thousand rupiahs

Tolong buatin pidato singkat bahasa inggris tentang islam


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First of all, let us praise and thank Allah subhana watala presence. My friends and teachers all of whom I respect.On this occasion I will give a speech with the theme of delinquency among adolescents.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Juvenile delinquency is not foreign. Many minors who are familiar with smoking, drugs, free sex, and involved many other criminal acts . My friends who I love and the teachers that I respect. This can occur because of these factors will support behavior change among teenagers, for example:

Lack of parental affection.Lack of supervision from parents.Relationships with friends that are not comparable. etc.

Surely there is some way to resolve and prevent juvenile delinquency, for example:

The strengthening of the science of religionDo not try things that are forbidden religion and governmentHave a concept of right living

Ladies and Gentlemen, the next generation should learn to plan our future, for a better life.Where are you going next ten years if you stay on the road now? You are free to choose, but the choices you choose today will determine what you will have, will be what you will have, and what you will do in your future. Because life is not just to be here . Happiness is not what you snooze in the future, happiness is what you design in the present.

Final word from me, thanks for all the attention.

Wassalaamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Itu pidatonya menceritakan tentang pergaulan bebas

*semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah :*

Contoh membuat procedure text tentang menyalakan mixer


How to turn on a mixer

1.Plug the mixer in the socked
2.Push the button

We have an excursion next week . dibuat dalam bentuk question tag


We have an excursion next week , haven't we ??

Contoh notice boleh merokok


Smoking is allowed in this room.

Hope it helpful... Semoga terbantu...

Membuat tempe goreng dengan b.inggris (prosedure) dan terjemahnya


Cara membuat tempe gorengBahan1. Beberapa irisan tempe2. bumbu (garam dan merica)3. Beberapa air 4. minyak gorengCara membuatnya:1.tuang  bumbu ke dalam mangkuk.2 Setelah itu, tambahkan air. ... Letakkan sepotong tempe ke dalam mangkuk dan bolak balik. Menyisihkan.3.Panaskan wajan dengan api sedang.4. Goreng tempe sampai berubah warna menjadi berwarna coklat .
5. angkat tempe setelah selesai. tempe goreng yang enak dan renyah siap untuk dinik mati


1. A few of sliced fermented soya bean cakes
2. seasoning (salt and peper )
3. Some water
4. frying oi

How to make it:
1.Pour the pounded seasoning into bowl.
2 Afterward, add water. ...Put the slice of fermented soy cake into the bowl and turn it side by side. Set aside.
3.Heat the frying pan with medium flame.
4. Fry the fer until the color change into brown color.
5. Lift the fermented soy bean cake after done.Tasty and crispy fermented soy bean cake is ready to be served.


Expressions for starting extending and ending a conversation on the phone


Ekspresi untuk memulai memperluas dan berakhir percakapan di telepon



One decision= history
refoo=new tebang