
Jawaban 1
Jangan beri aku
semoga membantu ya
Jawaban 2
Jangan memberiku 

jangan memberikan kepadaku 

Pertanyaan Terkait

What is the definition of prose and poetry ?


Prose : written language not intended as poetry
poetry : a class of literature

Ringkasan cerita cinderela


Cinderella adalah seorang gadis piatu. Meskipun ibunya telah tiada, Cinderella hidup bahagia bersama ayahnya. Namun, kebahagiaan Cinderella berakhir setelah ayahnya menikah lagi. Ibu dan saudara tirinya kerap kali memperlakukan Cinderella layaknya pembantu ketika ayah Cinderella pergi. Dan, penderitaan Cinderella semakin menjadi setelah ayahnya meninggal.

Cinderella diperlakukan seperti pembantu dan tidak pernah diperbolehkan keluar rumah, termasuk menghadiri pesta kerajaan. Di tengah-tengah harapannya menghadiri pesta, muncul ibu peri yang mengubah Cinderella bak seorang putri raja. Saat datang ke pesta, pangeran pun jatuh hati. Namun, karena Cinderella diperingatkan ibu peri untuk pulang sebelum jam 12, Cinderella menolak keinginan pangeran untuk terus berdansa dengannya.

Alhasil, sepatu kaca miliknya tertinggal. Pangeran yang jatuh hati dengan Cinderella mencari ke seluruh pelosok negeri untuk mengetahui pemilik sepatu tersebut. Berkat kesabaran dan kebaikannya, nasib Cinderella berubah. Ia dapat mencoba sepatu kaca yang memang miliknya lalu menikahi pangeran. Mereka pun hidup bahagia selamanya.

Itulah kisah populer Cinderella yang sering kita dengar. Kisah tersebut merupakan gubahan Charles Perrault, seorang penulis Prancis. Lain lagi dengan versi Grimm bersaudara, penulis asal Jerman. Dikisahkan, saudara tiri Cinderella memotong jari-jari kaki mereka agar kakinya bisa masuk ke dalam sepatu kaca. Pangeran yang tahu tipu daya mereka menyuruh merpati mematuki mata mereka hingga buta.

Hidup Bahagia Selamanya

What natural disaster have you experienced ? Can you share what happened?


I have experienced an earthquake. It was terrible and scary.

Yang bisa bantu ya Because my husband, John, tends to
snore, I rarely get more than a couple of
hours sleep each night. When he awakens
refreshed in the morning, he's always
astonished to find that he has been the
cause of another sleepless night for me.
One night John had severe allergy
symptoms, so he took some medication
before he went to bed. To my surprise, he
fell into a deep sleep, allowing me to nod
off comfortably too.
I awoke to find him shaking me.
"What's the matter?" I asked, trying not
to sound irritable. "Are you in pain?"
"No," he said, "but the drugs have worn
off, and I can't sleep." I stared at him in
exhausted disbelief. "What do you want
me to do about it?" I said through
clenched teeth.
"Oh, nothing," he replied. "I just
wanted you to know."

1.what is the effect of that habit to the author ?
2.what is the habit of the writer's husband while sleeping ?
3.what happen after the writer's husband took his medication ? 4.what is the meaning of "took some medication " ? 5.why did the writer's husband wake the writer ?
6.what is the synonym of " nod off " ?
7.what is the funny part of the story above ?
8.what does he want by waking the writer ?


Karena suami saya, John, cenderung
mendengkur, saya jarang mendapatkan lebih dari beberapa
jam tidur setiap malam. Ketika ia terbangun
segar di pagi hari, dia selalu
terkejut menemukan bahwa ia telah menjadi
penyebab malam tanpa tidur lagi bagi saya.
Suatu malam John memiliki alergi parah
gejala, sehingga ia mengambil beberapa obat
sebelum ia pergi tidur. Untuk mengejutkan saya, dia
jatuh ke dalam tidur nyenyak, yang memungkinkan saya untuk mengangguk
off nyaman juga.
Aku terbangun untuk menemukan dirinya gemetar saya.
"Apa masalahnya?" Aku bertanya, mencoba tidak
terdengar mudah tersinggung. "Apa anda kesakitan?"
"Tidak," katanya, "tetapi obat ini dipakai
off, dan saya tidak bisa tidur. "Aku menatapnya
percaya kelelahan. "Apa yang kamu inginkan
saya lakukan tentang hal itu? "kataku melalui
gigi terkatup.
"Oh, tidak," jawabnya. "Saya hanya
ingin kau tahu. "

1.Apa efek dari kebiasaan untuk penulis?
2.Apakah kebiasaan suami penulis saat tidur?
3.Apa yang terjadi setelah suami penulis mengambil obatnya?
4. Apa arti dari "mengambil beberapa obat"?
5. Mengapa suami penulis itu membangunkan penulis?
6.Apaaa sinonim dari "mengangguk"?
7.Apa bagian yang lucu dari cerita di atas?
8. Apa yang dia inginkan dengan membangunkan penulis?

2. The cat (sit) in front of the fire since tea-tima
3. I'm afraid you (look) at the wrong one
4. I know you (talk) about grammar for the last half an hour
5. You (wait) long for me?
6. Yes! I (stand) here in the rain for half an hour
7. He (learn) English for three years
8. He (work) in the post office for twenty years
9. Lunch is not quite ready yet, although I (cook) all the morning
10. Look! That light (burn) all night

Mohon bantuannya


1. have live
2. is sitting
3. are looking
4. are talking
5. waited
6. have stand
7. has learn
8. have work
9. have cook
10.had burned

Tolong jawab riddle ini 1.What has teeth but can't bite
2. What are two things people never eat before breakfast
3. What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs
4. I bind it and it walks. I loose it and it stops. What am I?


1. can be multiple answers though (zipper, comb, saw, gear)
2. Lunch and Supper
3. A clock
4. Sandal

Combine the pair of the sentences using the word in brackets! 1. a. my mother stayed at home
b. she rarely saw the film in a theater (would rather)

2. a. Tamim drinks orange juice
b. he seldom drinks coffee (would prefer)

3. a. Afa likes durian
b. She doesn't like Rambutan (rather than)


1. my mother rarely saw the film in a theater she would rather stay at home
2. Tamim would prefer orange juice rather than coffee
3. Afa likes durian rather than rambutan
maaf klo salah y

Choose the following words! then make sentences with preference! 1. bananas or grapes
2. comics or megazines
3. watching television or listening to the radio
4. painting or drawing
5. boots or formal shoes
6. trousers or shorts
7. badminton or table tennis
8. village or town
9. shopping or going to the library


I prefer eating grapes rather than eating bananas
i prefer reading magazines rather than reading comics
 i prefer watching Television then listening to the radio
i prefer painting rather than drawing
i prefer to wear formal shoes rather than boots
i prefer to wear shorts rather than trousers
 i prefer to play badminton rather than teble tennis
 i prefer to stay in a town rather then a village
i prefer go shopping rather than going to the library

1. i prefer eating grapes than eating banana
2. i prefer reading magazines than reading comics
3. i prefer watching the television than litsening to the radio
4. i prefer the painting rather than the drawing
5. i prefer using formal shoes than using boots
6. i prefer using trousers than using shorts
7. i prefer watching badmintin than watching table tennis
8. i prefer living in a town than a village
9. i prefer shopping than going to the library

semoga membantu

Different of literature, literary, literacy, literal, literate.


Literature = cerita bergambar
literaly = seperti
literate = bercerita cerita bergambar
aku cuma tahu segitu semoga membantu

Aim/goal: HOW TO MAKE A PLATE OF FRIED RICE Ingredients and Equipments: *Rice,onion,garlic,chili,shrim preserve,salt,egg,tomato,cucumber,cooking oil, sweet soy souce
*Frying pan,spatula,knife,chili grind, plate, spoon,fork.
1.First, slice the tomato and.cucumber.
2.Then,heat a spoonfull of cooking oil in the frying pan.
3.After, that break the egg and fry it until it cooked.
4.Next, grind together chili,onion,garlic,shrim preserve, and salt.
5.Heat again three spoonfull of cooking oil, pour the ground chili, onion, garlic, shrim preserve and salt until they smell nice.
6.Pour the rice. Mix them well.
7.Add a spoonfull of sweet soy souce.
8.Stir the rice until all the engredients are mixed well.
9.Finally, put the rice on the plate. Garnish the fried rice with egg, tomato, and cucumber. Serve



Tujuan : Bagaimana cara membyat se piring nasi goreng
Bahan-bahan dan perlengkapan:
*nasi, bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, shrim preserve(maaf klo yg ini aku gk tau artinya), garam, telur, tomat, timun, minyak goreng, kedelai saus manis
*Panci, spatula(atau klo gk tau, alat buat masak), pisau, penggiling cabai, piring, sendok, garpu
1. Pertama, potong tomat dan timun.
2. Kemudian, panaskan se sendok penuh minyak goreng
3. Setelah itu, pecahkan telur dan goreng hingga matang
4. Selanjutnya, giling bersama cabai, bawang merah, bawang putih, shrim preserve, dan garam.
5. Panaskan lagi tiga sendok penuh minyak goreng, tuangkan cabai yg sudah halus, bawang merah, bawang putih, shrim preserve, dan garam sampai mereka tercium bau yang lezat/enak.
6. Tuangkan nasi. Campur mereka hingga rata.
7. Tambahkan se sendok penuh kedelai saus manis.
8. Aduk nasi samapi semua bahan-bahan tercampur rata.
9. Terakhir, taruh nasi ke dalam piring. Girnish(ini jg gk tau.Maaf) nasi goreng dengan telur, tomat, dan timun. Nasi goreng siap disajikan.

Semoga Membantu. ^^
Maaf aku gak bisa bantu semua.

Minggu lalu Anda telah mendiskusikan manfaat Skimming dalam kegiatan membaca. Kali ini, masih berkaitan dengan teknik membaca yaitu Scanning. Anda telah memaparkan manfaat Skimming pada diskusi minggu lalu. Kini Anda diskusi kan manfaat Scanning untuk menunjang kegiatan membaca kita. Coba Anda share opini, komentar, ide, atau pendapat Anda mengenai hal tersebut


Menurut saya membaca sacaning itu bagus manfaat
Menurut saya, scanning sangat dapat membantu dalam kegiatan membaca

Terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris semua bisa dilakukan manusia seperti membuat mesin cuci energi pedal


Everything can be done by humans such as making a washing machine with energy pedals.

Semoga membantu ya....
Everything can be done by human like inventing a washing machine thant uses pedal energy.
aku pakai kata inveting karena inventing itu seperti membuat sesuatu yang baru.

Mr samsudin (work) for that company for ten years


Mr. Samsudin has worked for that company for ten years

Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu:)
Mr. Samsudin had worked for that company for ten years

tolong dong bikinin deskripsi suatu tempat (bebas) atau aktor ( harus soong joong ki :-D ) menggunakan bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar. #tugassekolah


:D Song Joong Ki is a Korean actor. He has small eyes, pointed nose, thin lips, and a white skin. He also have an ideal body because of his height and his weight was jibe.
uwaaaa Joongki *-*

Contoh Pengumuman bhs inggris di park


Attention please,

Tonight there is a fireworks show here at the park. It starts at 8.00 pm. If you are interested in setting off the fireworks, we have a firework selling stand. When you get hungry, you can get food from the food trucks. For your safety, when we blast off the fireworks, please do not stand to close.

Thankyou for the attention. Please enjoy the show.

jawablah pertanyaan di bwh ini yang bisaa jwb kukasih pulsa isi 100000 yg teliti dn benar klau sdah jwb tulis no hp anda di bwh jwbn anda petunjuk"menempatkan kata kerja ke dlam bentuk pasif yg benar soal: 1.a wooden house (build).....here next month 2.the thief (catch)...by police at his victim's house last night 3.11 people (report) ...killed in the volcaones. since last week .4.the fire (put out)....the extinguisher last night. 5.jupiter's four, moons(view)......through a.,telescope by galileo. 6.the motorcycle (broke) ......in. the. accident. last. night. 7.my school (regard) ......as. one of the best in indonesia.8.nothing (change)...since we left. 9.the police said that the victim (find).....under the bridge since five minute ago 10.the inhabitants (use)....to using water from ciliwung river everyday.di jawab ya 1-10 yg benar hri ini aja


1) will be built
2) was caught
3) had been reported
4) was put out
5) is viewed
6) was broken
7) is regarded
8) has been changed
9) has been founded
10) are used

Change into passive voice 1. they water the flower 2. she buys some bags 3. he reads the newspaper 4. budi played a bicycle 5. sinta swept the yard 6. they sold the food 7. mela has kept the meat 8. they has burnt the wood 9. he is dringking the ice tea 10. i am eating the friedrice. bantu ya..scpatnya....trims


1. The flower is watered by them
2. Some bags are bought by her
3. The newspaper is read by him
4. A bicycle is played by Budi
5. The yard was swept by Sinta
6. The food was sold by them
7. The meat has been kept by Mela
8. The wood has been burnt by them
9. The ice tea is being drunk by him
10. The fried rice is being eaten by me

 Sudah ya :)

Contoh balasan surat party yang singkat bisa datang


I'll come and join us
I'm in
I'm going
I'll attend your party

Contoh Pengumuman bahasa inggris di museum


Attention please,

The exhibition for the rare sea life will be open in five minutes. For those who are interested, you may go to the Aquatic Park and wait there. No food and drinks are allowed inside. For your and others convience, please do not touch anything inside. Souvenirs are available at the end of the exhibition.

Thank You for your attention, Please enjoy the exhibition.

Semoga Membantu (Jadikan Yang terbaik yah.. :P)
Please note,
museum visitors Indonesian wildlife.ancient animal center will be closed for one week for restoration.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.Instead, we have opened centers of exotic animals on the east side of the museum. The first hundred visitors will get a beautiful souvenir of the original Papua.
thank you for your concentration

Tolong terjemahin ke b.inggris iya kak, " apa yang harus pertama kita lakukan setelah mengambil telepon dari air? ". Tolong terjemahin iya kak thanks b4


What should the first we do after taking a telephone from water?
What should we do after taking telephone from the water?