Identifikasi dan deskripsi cahrlie(character,phsical appereance).tolong jawab ya buat besok


Jawaban 1
I don't know what you're talking about. the answer is charlie puth

Pertanyaan Terkait

Apa arti dari chicken


Arti dari chicken adalah ayam
Ayam atau hewan unggas sejenisnya

Deskripsi guru favorite bahasa indonesia


I like the indonesian langue theacher because
she/he is smart, always nice teach with her/his students.always be the good teacher for many students.
even the student's never work the homework she/he polite with the student. she/he just tell the student that "don't try again".
that is why i like the indonesian langue theacher
yang lainnya tinggal ditambahin aja



At the public places
Biasa nya di pom bensin, di rumah sakit

Kata bantu untuk mary......clean her house every day


Mary doesn't clean her house ebery day

10 kalimat nominal pada future tense


1. She will be a teacher
2. They will be angry
3. Ani will be clever
4. Andi and Anita will be father and mother
5. He will be happy
6. You will be a student
7. It will be circle
8. The teacher will be a headmaster
9. Handik will be lazy
10. I will be sad

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
The police will close the store if the owner doesn’t pay the tax. (Polisi akan menutup toko tersebut jika pemiliknya tidak membayar pajak). My father will buy a motorcycle for me if I pass the examination. (Ayahku akan membeli motor jika aku lulus ujian). Today will be very hot, you should go by car instead of motorcycle. (Hari ini akan sangat panas, kamu sebaiknya pergi dengan mobil dari pada dengan motor). A mother will do everything to make her baby stop crying. (Seorang ibu akan melakukan segala sesuatu untuk membuat bayinya berhenti menangis). Will you come to my birthday party along with your little sister?. (Akankah kamu datang ke pesta ultahku dengan adik perempuanmu?). I will tell you the truth, but it’s not the time. (Aku akan memberitahumu yang sebenarnya, tapi tidak saat ini). Will you be OK if I leave you here alone? (Akankah kamu tidak apa-apa jika aku meninggalkanmu di sini? I will always stand by you wherever and whenever you need me. (Aku akan selalu ada di sisihmu kapanpun dan dimanapun kamu membutuhkanku). I won’t be here to ask your help if it is not emergency. (Aku tidak akan di sini untuk minta bantuanmu jika tidak darurat). You will be able to finish this job well if you cooperate with others. (Kamu akan bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini dengan baik jika kamu bekerja sama dengan yang lain).

Deskripsi kan makanan Indonesia terjemahkan ke Inggris!


Rendang is the third favourite of food in the world. They taste good, they have spicy,sweet,salty taste. It makes from cow meat. Many people from around the world traveled to Indonesia only for eat them.
Bubur Ayam = Chiken poridge

Nasi goreng peteh = fried rice Peteh

Gado gado= mixed vegetables with the peanut sauce

Rujak cingur = salad cingur

soto ayam= chicken soto

bakso= meatball

nasi uduk= uduk rice

Sebutkan 2 pekerjaan beserta apa yang dilakukannya,dimana dia bekerja,dan alat yang digunakannya. tulis dalam bahasa inggris


Doctor in, hospital. injecting, medicine,  medicinebag, dll
teacher at school. marker, bag, book,dll

Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a correct paragraph. 1. The ming rulers wanted to keep china safe the Mongols, who had a powerful army.
2. The first emperor of china, qin shihuangdi, built the wall to defend the northern border.
3. The ming dynasty, a group that ruled china , decided to rebuild a new wall.
4. By the late 1400s, much of the old had fallen into ruin.
5. The great wall of china zigzags across parts of northern China.

Jangan menjawab tidak mengerti maksudnya ! Lebih baik poinnya diberkan kepada yang bisa menjawabnya !


5. The great wall of china zig zags across parts of northern China.
2. The first emperor of china, qin shi huangdi, build the wall to defend the northern border.
4. By the late 1400s, much of the old wall had fallen into ruin
3. The ming dynasty, a group that ruled china , decided to rebuild a new wall.
1. The ming rulers wanted to keep china safe the Mongols, who had a powerful army.

5. The Great Wall of China zigzags across parts of northern China.
2. The first emperor of China, Qin Shihuangdi, built the wall to defend the northern border.
4. By the late 1400s, much of the old wall had fallen into ruin.
3. The Ming Dynasty, a group that ruled China, decided to rebuild a new wall.
1. The Ming rulers wanted to keep China safe from the Mongols, who had a powerful army.

1. Charles (graduate) june 2. Mr. Peteer (teach).....english at school tomorrow
3. I (come) your home tonight with my friend
4. The police (look).....for the criminal now
5. Dea (live) paris ten years ago.
6. I (want,not) ice cream because yesterday i was sick
7. I (study).....for two hours every day in my house
8. John (try) improve his work habits this morning
9. Stefanus (watch).....uttaran everyday
10. I (like,not) go to somewhere everyday.

Tentuin lah dari nmr 1-10 yg mana future,past,present,present continious

Pake rumus future, past, present, present continious

Jawabnya dari nmr 1-10 pake (+),(-),(?)

Tlg dijawabnya


1. charles will graduate in june (future( +)
2. mr. peters will teach english at school tomorrow (future +)
3. i will come to your home tonight with my friend (future +)
4. the police is looking for the criminal now (present continous tense +)
5. dea lived in paris ten years ago. (past tense +)
6. I dont want an ice cream because I was sick yesterday(present( -)
7. i study for two hours everyday in my house ( present ( +)
8. john was trying to improving hiw work habbit this morning(pas continous tense +)
9. stefanus watches uttaran everyday (present tense (+)
10. i don't like to go to somewhere everyday. (present tense (-)

1. Do not spit in any place 2. Zone without smoke , stop smoking, fresh air
3. Thanks you for not throwing the rubbish everywhere
4. Do not forget to turn off the lights if it has been used
5. spend and god will send
6. I come earlier and go home punctualy
7. stop bullying

tuliskan makna dari notice diatas, pakai bahasa inggris


1. It means you cannot spit in any places no matter what, it warn you not to spit in any places
2. it means that area should be fresh and you cannot smoke in that area
3. it means you shouldn't throw the rubbish everywhere
4. it means, if you used the light, you should turn it off after use it.
5. it means if you spend something, the god will give you something too (i doubt my opinion)
6. it means he/she come earlier before the bell's ring and go home punctually
7. it means we should stop the bullying and we shouldn't bully anybody

Bahasa inggris nya " tidak lucu , aku sedang belajar"


It's not funny, I'm studying
Not funny,i am learning

jadikan jawaban terbaik

Bahasa inggrisnya tidak apa apa


Jawabannya bisa

its okay

no problem
Jawabannya bisa ==no problem

Buatlah kalimat sebanyak 4 buah. percakapan antara 2 orang dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris


Doni : Hi, Sita!
Sita : Hi, Doni!
Doni : How are you?
Sita : I'am fine. Thank you. And you?
Doni : I'm very well, thanks.
Ghoni:hy brian what are you doing tomorrow ?
brian:iam want making a cake.
ghoni:can i join you tomorrow?
brian:bye,see you tomorrow ?

When did the writer attend the funeral?


When there someone pass away 
Tuesday at eight o'clock yesterday morning

Bisa tolong buatin teks buat presentasi depan kelas tentang kegiatan sehari-hari dari bangun tidur sampai malam hari?sekolahnya dari jam 06.45-04.00.tolong ya buatin.agak panjangan dikit.pakai bahasa inggris


At 6.45 am, iam go to school to study, iam finish study and go back to my home at 00.30 pm, at 01.15 pm iam pray, after pray, iam sleep, at 02.30 iam wake up, and go to play with my friends, at 03.30 iam back to home, and at 03.15 pm, iam pray, iam finish pray at 3.30 . and after pray iam study go to 04.00 pm semoga benar

Contoh announcement Mr. Tyo wants the students submit the final assignment of biology. And it should be submitted before the mid term test.


Mr. Tyo should have said : "For all of the students, I want you all to submitted the final assignment of biology before the mid term test."

Yhe lady ... doughter is missing looks nervouse


The lady whose daughter is missing looks nervous

Wanita yang putrinya hilang terlihat gugup

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

Write two expression showing maintaining a conversation


Mungkin itu berhubungan dengan percakapan?

Write two expression showing refusing agreement


- I don’t really agree with you….
- I’m not sure about that, but I think I refused of our agreement first.
1. I not agree
2. Iam sorry, I don't agree

Arti kata dari underdog


Underdog = a ​person or ​group of ​people with less ​power, ​money, etc. than the ​rest of ​society
Underdog= tak diunggulkan

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