suppose you are a librarian you want the library to be tidy you want the students to always return the book on the shelves after reading them what should you write


Jawaban 1
"Dear readers, please return the book on the right shelves after reading it, so you know where it will be if you want to read it again.
than you"
Jawaban 2
"To all reader. Please return the the book back to its place after reading Your book that You have borrowed!"

Pertanyaan Terkait

Situation: ayu and nia are going home from school together. Ayu: it`s very hot day , isn`t it? Nia: how true. I wish i were having a can of cold cike now. Ayu: yeah, me too. Ah, here is my house. Would you like to come in? Nia: sure, thank you very much. Ayu: please, sit down nia. Nia: thanks, ayu . Wow, it`s nice and cool here. Ayu: i`ve turned on the air conditioning. Would you like something to drink? Nia: yes, please. Anything would be fine , as long as it is cold. Ayu: take this coke. Nia: thank you, ayu. Pertanyaannya. 1. What are the girls doing? 2. Is it hot day? 3. What does nia want at the moment? 4. Why is the room cool? 5. Find the expression of giving something! Jawab yang lengkap ya kakak


1.the girls are going home from school together.

2.yes,it is.

3.nia wants a can of cold coke

4.because ayu just turned on the air conditioner.

5."take this coke"

maaf kalo salah
2.yes, it is kalau gak salah

contoh dialog bhs inggris tentang asking for help offering asking information agree disagreeing asking for opinion dalam satu dialog yang berisi itu tadi diatas


Asking for help offering
student: hi mr.malik what are you doing?
mr. malik: I'm looking for my glasses. I think it's under the table
student: may I help you sir?
mr.malik: ok.

asking information
you: can you tell me the way to the mosque?
your friend: by this way

agree dissagree
kamila: do you agree that we have to doing a test before get a job?
alya:I disagree. the companies are will let us get a job there if we are capable of carrying out of the duties

asking for opinion
a: what do you think about his wife?
b : In my opinion, his wife is so beautiful and irresistible

semoga membantu :)

Terjemahkan ke bahasa inggris : 1.lima detektif nakal
2.mia punya kucing nggak diberi makan akhirnya mati
3.sabar itu baik emosi itu percuma
4.empat bersaudara jenius
Terima kasih


1.Five detectives naughty
2.Mia had not fed the cat eventually dies
3.Tolerance was good emotion was useless
4.Four brothers genius

Semoga Bermanfaat
Maaf kalau Salah
1) Lima detektif nakal = Five regoe detective
2) Mia punya kucing ngak diberi makan akhirnya mati = Mia has not fed the cat eventually dies
3) Sabar itu baik emosi percuma = The patient either useless emotion
4) Empat bersaudara jenius = Four brothers genius

Jangan kau hianati aku


Don't disobey me, you !

Maaf kalau salah.
Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

Don't disobey me, you
td yg diatas juga sama kyk aku

Our spaceship has...computers


Jawabannya bisa:
a lot of
jumlah lebih dari satu (two, three, four, etc.)

pokoknya artinya banyak karena computers = bentuk jamak

semoga membantu :)
Our spaceship has some computers

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

Bhs inggrisnya "aku bahagia melihat semua teman teman ku bahagia"


Im happy seeing all of my friend happy
maaf kalo salah
I happy look my friends happy

Bersebrangan dengan bahasa inggrisnya


opposite each others
Kalo gak salah opposite

Buatlah dialog berbahasa inggris


Bella : Hi Devi, what you do now ?
Devi : Hi Bella, I am finishing Painting art
Bella : May you playing after that ?
Devi : Certainly, I think so. What we are play ?
Bella : I don't have opinion, Do you have suggestion ?
Devi : I want playing Multiplayer game, do you agree with me?
Bella : I don't think so, another opinion you have ?
Devi : Ok, How we are playing Monopoly gameboard ?
Bella : Yes, I agree with you, I am waiting you on my home
Devi : Ok, see you later
Uya : Hi Ayu Ayu : Hi Uya : I've heard you went to Bali again, is it true? Ayu : (Ayu smiles) Uya : Oh my God, I really want to go to Bali, it's a great place I've never slept in. Uya : Anyway, I know you had visited Bali many times, did you still enjoy it? Ayu : Yeah, I still enjoy it, especially when watching men playing football on the beach.. bhahahhaa Uya : While lying on the sand half nak**, huh? (Uya smirks) Ayu : Oh no, I am Indonesian. I don't want our ancestors rise from their tomb and look at one of our beaches in summer, they would probably shake their head with incredulity. Uya : I see. I am just kidding. Ayu : Nevermind. Anyway, when will you go there? Uya : I don't know, I am still busy with my business. Ayu : I do hope we will see you in Bali next vacation. Uya : I do hope so. Ayu : I have to go right now. (while walking away from Uya) Uya : Oh, nice to meet you Ayu. (while screaming) Ayu : (Looking back and blinking her eye to Uya).

Musername needs to between 2-characters without special characters


Username needs to between 2-characters without special characters.
artinya :
Nama pengguna harus terdiri antara 2-karakter tanpa karakter khusus.

Why do you go to school?


Because i wanted to be a smart people in the wide world
I go to school because i want to get knowledge and increase my skill.

the children have... (play) in the park... 4 p.m. a. played _ since b. played _ for c. playing _ since d. playing _ for


The children have played in the park since 4 p.m.
answer: A
A. played-since semoga membantu:)

Sebutkan permainan tradisonal (dalam bhs inggris)


Snake and ladders
hide and seek
Hide and seek, hopscotch, stilts

sorry klo salah

My job is delivering lettres I am.........


Postman.......jawaban bener
A post man karena tugasnya mengirim surat

Niagara fall is the name amerika


Niagara fall is the name of a water fall in amerika
Niagara fall is the name if waterfall in amerika. semoga membantu

The scientist works in the


The scientist work in the laboratory
Mungkin laboratory, tapi enggak tau lagi

"Work in the group of three. Discuss with your friends in the group the things you know about boarding school." Jawabannya langsung ke tentang sekolah asrama, ya! Karena gak ada kelompok. Mohon bantuannya. Terima kasih!


A boarding school is a school in which most or all of the students live during the part of the year that they go to lessons

Bahasa inggrisnya aku tidak tau


Aku --> I
Tidak --> Don't
Tau --> Know

"Aku tidak tau" = "I don't know"
I do not know

itu adalah bahasa inggrisnya

maaf kalau salah

The students looked tired but they were happy the antonym of " happy" is


Happy >< sad
Bahagia >< Sedih

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
Happy= senang.
Sad= sedih.

Apa arti dari school yard


School : seklah
yard : halaman
jadi school yard adalah halaman sekolah
semoga membantu ya


Bahasa inggris capung


Capung in english is Dragonfly

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Luas sisi sisi sebuah kubus 1.350 cm .panjang rusuknya = ,kalau bisa pakai cara ya Sebutkan beberapa perilaku atau partisipasi yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menjaga keutuhan nasional bangsa Indonesia! Dari komposisi makanan tersebut,bahan kimia yang bersifat memberi penyedap rasa adalah Jelaskan hubungan sikap positif terhadap pelaksanaan demokrasi dengan keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat! Keahlian dari suhrawardi salah satu tokoh pemuda yang bertugas menaikan bendera merah putih pada tanggal 17 agustus 1945 adalah 3/4% dari 1 kuintal adalah Sebutkan 5 langkah membuat karangan kegiatan penyelidikan untuk mengetahui potensi suatu sumber daya alam di sebut a.eksploitasi b.esplorasi c.ekspedisi d.produksi jawaban mohon benar Bagaimana solusi jika anak bayi yang belum bisa makan alergi dengan susu padahal anak tersebut membutuhkan protein. Nah, protein kan didapat dari susu. jadi, bagaimana mengatasi hal tersebut? Tata rias dan busana tari tradisi bersifat Apa yg dimaksud dengan proklamator Tema cerita kidang kencana Bagaimana peranan indonesia dalam organisasi pbb pada umumnya peralatan pada masa bercocok tanam bentuknya halus karena sudah diasah atau diupam meskipun demikian ada beberapa alat yang bentuknya kasar salah satunya mata panah mata panah tidak perlu diupam karena umumnya digunakan hanya sekali sulit dalam proses pengerjaannya bentuknya sangat kecil di tidak banyak diminati Latihan pengembangan tubuh,biasa kita sebut senam Bagaimanakah Sikap Para Pemuda yang Mengetahui Jepang Menyerah tanpa Syarat Kepada Sekutu Penduduk indonesianmeyebar tidak merata antonim kata menyebar adalah Bagaimanakah pengertian ancaman menurut undang undang no.3 tahun 2002 Dari mana kita dapat mengambil tema untuk dijadikan naskah teater