Tolong buatin dong cara menyerang rasa malas pake bahasa inggris


Jawaban 1
How to attack laziness is relaxation or refreshment. Reluctantly learning is often caused by fatigue and boredom, to resolve it do some relaxation or refreshment with a short walk out of the room or yard for a breath of fresh air.

artinya :
cara menyerang rasa malas adalah melakukan relaksasi atau penyegaran. Rasa malas belajar sering kali disebabkan oleh kepenatan dan rasa bosan, untuk mengatasinya silakan lakukan relaksasi atau penyegaran dengan berjalan sebentar ke luar ruangan atau halaman untuk menghirup udara segar.

Pertanyaan Terkait

Suggestions for film "Inside Out"


Artinya saran untuk film dalam ke luar
Its about inside human body and there its controled our body from inside 

Change these sentences into reported speech! 1. Mother told my sister "Arrange your book neatly"
2. Ika says "She was a nurse in a big hospital last year"
3. Romi asked Ratna "How can you do the test easily?"
4. Teacher told us "Your english test is on May"
5. Those men said "wait us at the bridge"
6. My uncle said to me "Your niece bought a new dress last week"
7. Mrs. Ana said "My husband gives a surprise for me"
8` I asked him "Did you lift that box by yourself"
9. Dea said "My father is in London now"
10. They asked Karina "What is your hobby? "


1. Mother told my sister "Arrange your book neatly"
- Mother told my sister to arrange her book neatly
2. Ika says "She was a nurse in a big hospital last year"
- Ika said that she had been a nurse in a big hospital the year before
3. Romi asked Ratna "How can you do the test easily?"
- Romi asked Ratna how you could do the test easily
4. Teacher told us "Your english test is on May"
- Teacher told us that our english test was on may
5. Those men said "wait us at the bridge"
- Those men said to wait them at the bridge
6. My uncle said to me "Your niece bought a new dress last week"
- My uncle said to me that my niece had bought a new dress the week before.
7. Mrs. Ana said "My husband gives a surprise for me"
- Mrs. Ana said that her husband gave a surprise for her
8` I asked him "Did you lift that box by yourself"
- I asked him if he lifted that box by him self
9. Dea said "My father is in London now"
- Dea said that her father was in London then
10. They asked Karina "What is your hobby? "
- They asked Karina What was her hobby

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat 

What is the role of illustration for a poster?


The role of  illustratration for a poster has always been to grab attention with its words and pictures and communicate directly with the viewer and as a vibrant cultural medium for achieving goals similar to that of digital illustration and photography.
Mungkin berhubungan dengan cerita dari illustrasi

Deskrisi tentang magic jer dalam bahasa inggris


- an electronic machine
- usualy use when need cook rice
- Have pan body shape
- Hot gas result when component working
- Increase electric bill because have more energy

Bulan purnama tampak tidak berkelap kelip seperti bintang karena


Bulan tidak bisa menghasilkan cahaya sendiri, melainkan hanya memantulkan cahaya dari matahari
Karena cahaya bulan merupakan pantulan bulan cahaya matahari, jadi, g berkelip2, sedangkan bintang memnghasil kan cahaya, maafkalosalah

How can a Christian keep his Spirit healthy?


- Do anything of activity everyday and applying they lifes look at religion command

If i could be invisible for a day?


I would go to anywhere I want.. Especially the place where I have to pay before entering.

Tolong donk buat past perfect tense katanya = mencuri dan berenang buat lah masing masih kalimat positive negative dan interogatif


1. Mencuri = steal
(+) He had stolen the car
(-) He hadn't stolen the car
(?) Had he stolen the car ?

2. Berenang = swim
(+) They had swum at the swimming pool
(-) They hadn't swum at the swimming pool
(?) Had they swum at the swimming pool ?

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

he had stolen my money since 2015
he had not stolen my money since 2015
had he stolen my money since 2015?

we had swum for two hours
we had not swum for two hours.
had we swum for two hours?

The word 'marsupials' means


A mammal of which the female has a pouch in which it rears its young, which are born immature, through early infancy, such as the kangaroo or koala,
Marsupials is hewan berkantung

Apa Pengertian akulturasi ?


Akulturasi adalah percampuran 2 kebudayaan atau lebih yang walaupun telah bertransformasi ,tidak kehilangan ciri khasnya masing masing
Akultirasi adalah perc Aa mpuran 2 kebuday Aa an atau lebih tetepi tidak menghilangkan aifat asli dari kebudayaan sebelumnya

Buat contoh expressing capabilities


Interviewer :  I wonder if you can operate Microsoft Windows.
Interviewee: Yes, Ma’am. I can operate Word, Excel, and Power Point as well. Besides, I’m able to take short hands.
Interviewer : Good. Can you speak Japanese or Chinese?
Interviewee: I’m sorry, Ma’am. I can’t either speak Japanese or Chinese.

Customer: My motorcycle can’t run more than 60 kilometers per hour. It could run to 110 kilometers before. What can you do?
Mechanic: Let us check the engine and find out what is wrong with it.
Customer: Can you fix it if the problem is major?
Mechanic: We’ll see what we can do and let you know the result.

Tolong ya kak if i tell you a secret ___(you promise) not to tell any one
2. she___(not attend) unless he makes the presentation


1. If I tell you a secret, you will not promise to tell anyone
- Jika saya menceritakan kamu sebuah rahasia, kamu tidak akan berjanji untuk menceritakan pada siapapun.
2. She will not attend unless he makes the presentation
Dia tidak akan hadir jika dia tidak membuat presentasi itu

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat

I1. f i tell you a secret, YOU WILL PROMISE not to tell any one
2. she WILL NOT ATTEND unless he makes the presentation

Unless he___(be) late we'll meet at six a'clock
tolong ya lengkapin


Unless he is late, we'll meet at six o'clock
'is' karena (be) itu wujud nya berupa is,am,are/was,were

Mawan : I heard your father’s Rice field was damaged by the flood last week. Agus : Yes, that’s right. Mawan : ___ . Agus : Thank you. a. Oh, I’m terribly sorry b. Oh, I’m afraid to hear that c. Oh, I’m sorry to know it d. Oh, I regret to hear it Oh, I’m delighted to know it


A.  Oh, I’m terribly sorry
Jawabannya A (I'm terribly sorry)

Expressions of Asking for and Giving advice using should.example : I will go to Bandung tomorrow morningResponse : You should pack your clothes tonight 1. I feel very sleepy
response : ...

2. I want to buy a present for my mother.
response : ...

3. I feel very clod.
response : ...

4. I don't feel good I think I'm having a fever.
response : ...

mohon bantuan dan terimakasih ^^


1. you must go to sleep
2. you can buy it on shop can take the blanket 
4. you can permission not go to school
     maaf kalau salah krn saya masih smp:)

Kalau waktu itu kalok pagi itu am/pm


Pagi itu am . mulai sore sampek malam itu pm
pagi kan................

Hal apa saja yg mempengaruhi keindahan pembacaan puisi


1. Penampilan persiapan diri saat pembacaan puisi
2. Percaya diri
3. Intonasi yang kita keluarkan
4. Ekspresi wajah
5. Lafal yang kita ucapkan
semoga bermanfaat

Gerak benda bersifat relatif artinya


Mungkin tidak selalu sama. 
#maaf kalau jawaban salah

Jelaskan fungsi dari poster dan broshur


Untuk menginformasikan kepada pembaca yg disusun dngan kata yg padat,jelas,dan mudah dipahami.sehingga pembaca dapat mengetahiu info tersebut

Cerita tentang issumboshi terjemahannya


Warior of Apples

There was a man of apple named Issumboshi. Initially Issumboshi very low self-esteem. "My body is so small. I'm so useless man. Because so small I could not work in the fields and do other work. "Complained Issumboshi sad.

However, fortunately Issumboshi grandfather could understand the circumstances Issumboshi. He told her to go to the city. There, he can learn to be a swordsman in the kingdom. As the journey, his grandfather gave a wooden bowl to use as a boat. Later, his mother gave him two long-grain rice as oars. While his father, complete with a needle as a sword.

But, in the midst of a sudden trip Issumboshi met with evil giant who is destroying a village. Although small, the famous Issumboshi intelligent and brave.

With great courage, self-adhesive Issumboshi needle repeatedly into the body of the evil giant. Because he was small, evil giants could not see Issumboshi. The giant evil can only feel a pin prick it like a wasp sting is very painful. Evil giant that fell down to the ground and could not back up.

Woohoo! Issumboshi our hero! Woohoo! Issumboshi our hero! "All the inhabitants then Issumboshi and hailed him as their new leader. ***

Never feel inferior to shortages. Balance these shortcomings with excess.

semoga membantu

Pertanyaan Lainnya
2. seseorang menjadi menyimpang dikarenakan labeling yg dilakukan oleh org" yg ada disekitarnya merupakan teori yang diungkapkan oleh? 3. sebutkan tugas adat istiadat yang berkaitan dengan pengendalian sosial? 4. penanaman nilai dan norma dilakukan melalui? 6. definisikan tentang konformitas? 7. sebutkan akibat" dari tawuran yang mengakibatkan dampak dari perilaku menyimpang lanjutan? 8. bagaimana peran pengendalian sosial? 9. sebutkan alat" pengadilan untuk melaksanakan fungsi pengendalian sosial? 10. mengapa adat memiliki peranan dalam pengendalian sosial? 11. apakah tujuan kelompok sekunder dalam pengendalian sosial? Adaptasi yg meliputi fungsi alat2 tubuh hewan dinamakan adaptasi? Bagaimana keadaan kerajaan romawi di hawah pemerintahan oktavianus? Suggestions for film "Inside Out" Hasil dari 2 1/4:3/4-3/5×1 2/3+6/7 是公司常委会成为青岛市出租车部门归属感哦漂亮噶地方 Transformatir teganan primer 200 v tegangan sekunder 50 v jumblah lilitan sekunder 200 lilitan jumlah paling sedikit dari peserta musyawarah yg harua hadir agar bisa melakukan pemungutan suara disebut Sebutkan 2 tarian besrta daerah asalnya dan musik iringan ny Tlng bantu ;) Sebuah drum diameter 42 cm dan tinggi 89 cm, diisi ¾ bagian. Volume air dalam drum adalah ... cm³ Jenis jenis saklar berdasarkan cara penggunaannya 1. perhatikan ! 1. panjang 2. volume 3. hambatan listrik 4. pancaran inframerah Pernyataan yg benar sifat termotrik suatu benda adalah nomor.......... 2. perubahan suhu sebesar 2°C sama dengan suhu dalam °F sebesar......... 3. perubahan suhu sebesar 1°F sama dengan perubahan suhu dalam °C sebesar............ 4. suhu 5°F sama dengan ........... K kalo ada cara nya tolong di buat ya Apakah yang dimaksud politik luar negeri indonesia bebas aktif ! Kak tlong yah 1.mutiara 2.bensin 3.rumput laut 4.tanah 5.aspal 6.tembaga 7.jati 8.marmer dari daftar tersebut yang termasuk sumber daya alam terbarukan adalah... kak tlong besok di kumpul!!! Apakah arti penting peredapan pulau kreta terhadap peradapan yunani dan romawi? Buatlah kalumat daru kata yaz habu Apa arti kata koperasi Sebutkan beberapa judul lagu daerah berserta makna dan penciptanya Apa yang dimaksud dengan sinonim berilah contohnya Bagaimana car menghilangkan kumis dengan menggunakan jeruk nipis?pls bantu ya