Kalau waktu itu kalok pagi itu am/pm


Jawaban 1
Pagi itu am . mulai sore sampek malam itu pm
Jawaban 2
pagi kan................

Pertanyaan Terkait

Hal apa saja yg mempengaruhi keindahan pembacaan puisi


1. Penampilan persiapan diri saat pembacaan puisi
2. Percaya diri
3. Intonasi yang kita keluarkan
4. Ekspresi wajah
5. Lafal yang kita ucapkan
semoga bermanfaat

Gerak benda bersifat relatif artinya


Mungkin tidak selalu sama. 
#maaf kalau jawaban salah

Jelaskan fungsi dari poster dan broshur


Untuk menginformasikan kepada pembaca yg disusun dngan kata yg padat,jelas,dan mudah dipahami.sehingga pembaca dapat mengetahiu info tersebut

Cerita tentang issumboshi terjemahannya


Warior of Apples

There was a man of apple named Issumboshi. Initially Issumboshi very low self-esteem. "My body is so small. I'm so useless man. Because so small I could not work in the fields and do other work. "Complained Issumboshi sad.

However, fortunately Issumboshi grandfather could understand the circumstances Issumboshi. He told her to go to the city. There, he can learn to be a swordsman in the kingdom. As the journey, his grandfather gave a wooden bowl to use as a boat. Later, his mother gave him two long-grain rice as oars. While his father, complete with a needle as a sword.

But, in the midst of a sudden trip Issumboshi met with evil giant who is destroying a village. Although small, the famous Issumboshi intelligent and brave.

With great courage, self-adhesive Issumboshi needle repeatedly into the body of the evil giant. Because he was small, evil giants could not see Issumboshi. The giant evil can only feel a pin prick it like a wasp sting is very painful. Evil giant that fell down to the ground and could not back up.

Woohoo! Issumboshi our hero! Woohoo! Issumboshi our hero! "All the inhabitants then Issumboshi and hailed him as their new leader. ***

Never feel inferior to shortages. Balance these shortcomings with excess.

semoga membantu

The nurses learn english at courses everyday


Para perawat belajar bahasa Inggris di tempat kursus setiap hari.

5 contoh Adjective metaphor


Broken heart It's raining men Time is a thief Reeks of infidelity Stench of failure :)

Apaa arti dari we can ride our becycle


Kita bisa menaiki sepeda kita
Kita bisa mengendarai sepeda kita

Kerajinan tangan sinonimnya


Hasta karya, pekerjaan tangan,prakarya

semoga bermanfaat : )
Art or d.i.y as some kids these days say :)

Jelaskan hari kartini pada tanggal


Tanggal 21 bulan april
Tanggal 21 april setiap tahun


Bagaimana sosok karakteristik ki hajar dewantara?


Pendidik yang terdidik

L.........in bontang for two years.


Karena pilihannya hny 3 itu, jawabannya stay.

tetapi melihat adverb of time-nya 'for two years', ini hrsnya menggunakan present perfect.

jd jawaban seharusnya: i have stayed in bontang for two years.
atau, i have lived in bontang for two years.
C. Stay
Semoga Membantu : )

Tolong dong bantuin buat dialog telling time with friend


A dialogue about telling the time
a: what time will we study?
b: i don't know
a: what do you mean?
b: i don't know how to tell the time
a: i will show you how
(showing the time by using the clock to her friend)
if you see the time now it is minutes minutes past two. if you pay attention you will see a short and a long needle (like the needle right) the short needle shows the hour and the long one shows the minute(s)
b: i see
a: if the short needle is before number 6 you use past and if the long needle is over number 6 you use to
b: number 6 is 30 minutes right?
a: yes it is
b: so what time will we study?
a: ten minutes to three. can you show me where the long needle is?
b: is it at number ten?
a: yes you are correct
b: thank you
a: you are welcome. ask me if you are confused
b: i will

How does your house look like


My house looks like a castle with many flowers around it.
There are lots of flowers and red car

Ubah tipe 3 ini if clause ke dalam fakta contoh :
if i had had money i would have bought it
fact : i didnt have money so i didnt buy it

1.if i had felt good , i would have come to the class yesterday
2. i would have helped you if i hadnt been tired
3.had anna known sasha's birthday , she would have given her a present
4. Any hadnt understand the problem in the company if hadi Hadnt told him
5. it would not have been completed to visit Yogyakarta is the tourinst have not seen the performance of Ramayana ballet


1. I didn't feel good so I didn't come to the class yesterday
2. I didn't help you because I was tired
3. Anna didn't know Sasha's birthday so She didn't give her a present
4. Any understood the problem in the company because Hadi told him
5. It was completed to visit Yogyakarta because the tourist saw the performance of Ramayana ballet.
Hope it's useful

Why is it important to keep cuts and other sores clean?


To prevent the infection
artinya : untuk mencegah infeksi
To prevent the infection

Apa bahasa indonesia nya cylinder


cylinder artinya silinder.

Cylinder , bahasa indonesianya adalah silinder

kata silinder sendiri merupakan serapan dari bahasa asing `cylinder` , oleh karena itu bahasa indonesianya Cylinder adalah silinder

(+) Lanny was born at this hospital.


Lanny lahir di rumah sakit ini
(-)Lanny won't born at this hospital
(?)was Lanny born at this hospital?

1. why do we need biographies? what is their purpose? 2. what information can we find about a person by reading a biography? discuss.
3. from Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography, how would you discribe him?
4. can you find any similarities between ki Hajar Dewantara and yourself? describe.
5. responsbility is being accountable to God and to others as you do your duties or obligations in a faithful way. do you think ki Hajar Dewantara was a responsible person? how did he show it? discuss.
6. think of an example of taks or event in your life that required responsibility. were you responsible in fulfilling this duty or obligation? share your example.
7. do you think there were some significant events that changed Ki Hajar Dewantara's life? how did those events shape or change him? discuss.
8. what kind of impact did Ki Hajar Dewantara have on people? discuss.
9. Ki Hajar Dewantara has had great impact on indonesian struggle for freedom, especially education. discuss with your peers what may have been different if he was not there.
10. Ki Hajar made lot of sacrifices for his country. if you were in his place , what would you do? describe
11. what did you know abput the Ki Hajar Dewantara prior to reading his short biography? did you learn anything new about him? did anything you read changed your opinion about him?


1. to know about the people's profile/life history
2. their profile(birth day,death),life history (career,love,achievement) etc

Reorientation fari film frozen


Anna Elsa Olaf Hans kristof trol

discuss differences between different genres of writing like fiction and nonfiction? you may focus on: how are they different


To writing fiction story we need imagination to expand the plot (jalan cerita)
tapi kalau bikin cerita non fiksi kita harus bisa menjabarkan plot itu sesuai dengan realita/fakta
semoga membantu

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Berikan contoh perilaku bersatu dalam keberagaman di rumah sebuah drum berbentuk tabung dengan panjang jari jari 70 cm dan tinggi 100 cm penuh berisi minyak tanah.minyak tanah tersebut akan dituang ke dalam tabung tabung kecil dengan panjang jari jari 35 cm dan tinggi 50 cm, banyak tabung kecil yang akan diperlukan adalah seorang pedagang beras berhasil menjual 20 kg beras dengan harga Rp. 560.000,00. dalam perjualan itu pedagang tersebut mendapat untung sebesar 12%. dengan berapa rupiah pedagang itu membeli beras per kg Nabi muhammad saw. hijrah ke madinah pada tahun a.684 m. b.622 m. c.782 m. d.940 sebuah limas yang alasnya berbentuk persegi panjang berukuran 32cm×18cm, dan tinggi limas 12cm.luas seluruh permukaan limas tersebut adalah.. tolong dong beserta crnya.. 1). 15 X² - 7x -2 =0 (Melengkapkan kuadrat sempurna). 2). 35 X² + 3x - 2=0 (Rumus ABC) Solve the linear equations in one variable 4(3 + 2×) = 9( × - 4) Sebuah organisasi membutuhkan sebuah.......bersama sebuah kubus mempunyai panjang rusuk 6cm. jika panjang rusuk diperpanjang menjadi 16cm maka berapa volume kubus yg panjang rusuknya telah diperpanjang Bagaimana proses pembuatan gula pasir dari tebu Contoh sikap anti sosial (10) Bilangan oksidasi fosfor dalam ion p2o7 4- adalah Cara memahami makna dlm puisi Bagaimana cara mengidentifikasi kepribadian seseorang ? dua dadu di lambungkan bersama-sama satu kali,peluang muncul kedua mata dadu berjumlah 8 adalah...yang ini jga.tolong ya suatu prisma alasnya berbentuk segitiga dengan panjang sisi 3 cm, 4 cm, dan 5 cm. Jika tinggi prisma 15 cm, volume prisma adalah Apa yg di maksud perdagangan antar pulau dan perdagangan di asia tenggara Gagasan apa yang disampaikan oleh penulis teks tentang teknologi tepat guna? Sebutkan 5 negara yang menjadi pelopor di adakan nya KAA ? Apa peranan Moh. Hatta pada masa kemerdekaan Indonesia?