My cat has soft fur bentuk negatif


Jawaban 1
My cat hasn't soft fur
Jawaban 2
My cat hasn't soft fur

Pertanyaan Terkait

Erina...not wear batik on saturday


Erina....tidak memakai batik pada hari sabtu
setelah itu diapakan ya???
Erina didn't wear batik on Saturday

What do you wear for going to school


Uniform with a hat and tie, a pair of shoes. sometimes with jacket.
School uniform , hats, belts , socks, tie

Dialog percakapan 2 orang tentang agree dan disagree


A : you agree no I am Play House you ?
B : Sorry , I am disagree :(

Radium is one of the.... metals


Radium is one of the alkaline earth metals.
Jawabanya adalah .alkaline earth

Change the sentences according to the given sign. 1. toni was playing football with his friends
2. we were planting flowers in the garden
3. were you watching television when l called you yesterday?
4. the mechanics repairing the buses
5. the teacher was examining the student's work


1. (-) Toni wasn't playing football with his friend.
(?) Was Toni play football with his friend?

2. (-) We were not planting flowers in the garden.
(?) Were we planting flowers in the garden?

3. (-) You were not watching television when i called you yesterday.
(+) you WERE watching television when i called you yesterday?

4. (-) The mechanics WERE not repairing the buses.
(?) WERE the mechanics repairing the buses?

5. (-) The teacher wasn't examining the student's work.
(?) Was the teacher examining the student's work?
1. toni was playing football with his friends
(-) toni was not playing football with his friends
(?) was toni playing football with his friends?
2. we were planting flowers in the garden 
(-) we were not planting flowers in the garden 
(?) were we planting flowers in the garden? 
3. were you watching television when l called you yesterday? 
(-) you were not watching television when l called you yesterday 
(positif) you were watching television when l called you yesterday 
4. the mechanics repairing the buses
(-) the mechanics were not repairing the buses
(?) were the mechanics repairing the buses?
5. the teacher was examining the student's work 
(-) the teacher was not examining the student's work 
(?) was the teacher examining the student's work?

Tolong , sebutkan 20 macam benda yang ada di sekitar kita beserta fungsinya dalam bahasa inggris


Pen for writing Pencil for writing Chair for we can sit Bed for we can sleep Table for eating and study Television for watching information Radio for hearing the news Phone we use it to calling and talk with friends Broom for cleaning home Lamp for lighting the home Clock for telling the time Pillow we use it when we are sleeping Windows for giving new oxigens Computer for playing games Book we use it to giving us information about the world Sofa to sit and sleeping Racket to playing badminton Refrigerator for saving the meals Drawer for save the document and data Jacket for save us from cold conditions

Buatkan sebuah cerita dalam bahasa Inggris
yang pendek ya jngan trlalu panjang


The Boy Who Cried Wolf
A shepherd-boy, who watched a group of sheep near a village, shocked out the villagers three or four times by screaming out, “Wolf! Wolf!” and when his neighbors were there to help him,he laughed at them for their pains.However the Wolf, truly come at last. The Shepherd-boy, now really in danger, cried in an agony of terror: “Pray, please come and help me; the Wolf is approaching to kill the sheep”; but no one paid any attention to his cries, nor rendered any help. The Wolf, having no cause of scary, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole sheep in group. There is no believing  liars, even when they speak the truth.

Combine the sentences using "so" and "too" 1.The earth turns pund the son the other planets turn round the son
2.I like to study english my sister likes to study
3.The new family lives in the coastal town we live in the coastal town
4.The went to the beach my brother and I went to the beach


1. so the other planet
2. my sister likes to study it too
3. and we live in the coastal town too
4. they went to the beach so my brother and I went to the beach too the other planet
2. my sister likes to study too
3.and we live in the coastal towb too
4.they went to the beach so my brother and i went to the beach too

Match the following descriptions with the correct words. 1. Time of year characterized by certain weather.
2. The measured amount of heat in place.
3. The condition in the air especially at a particular area.
4. The general weather condition usually found in a particular place.
5. Half of a sphere of earth especially the half above or below the equator.
6. The sudden loud noise which comes from the sky especially during a storm
accompanied by lightning.
7. The amount of rain that falls.
8. An imaginary line drawn around the middle of the earth an equal distance
from the north pole and the south pole.
9. Water that goes back to the earth. It comes from clouds and makes the
plants grow.
10. The new form of water that falls when the air is very cold. It only
happens in certain places.
11. A movement of air from one place to another place over the surface of
the earth.
12. Large amount of water. It comes because a river cannot hold water
that comes from rain.
13. A violent tropical storm with very strong wind and rain.
It can destroy building.
14. A season of the year in which plants begin to grow.
15. The warmest season of the year.

A. Spring E. Season I. Hurricane M. Rainfall
B. Thunder F. Snow J. Summer N. Equator
C. Climate G. Wind K. Rain O. Lightning
D. Weather H. Flood L. Hemisphere P. Temperature


1. season
2. temperature
3. climate
4. weather
5. hemisphere
6. thunder
7. rainfall
8. equator
9. rain
10. snow
11. wind
12. flood
13. hurricane
14. spring
15. summer

Penjelasan tentang tanah longsor dalam bahasa inggris


Landslide, maaf jika kalu salah


tanah longsor, longsoran


tanah longsor


salju longsor, tanah longsor, es longsor, batu longsor


penghanyutan, tanah longsor, kegagalan


longsoran, tanah longsor

Tono is my daugther's husband.he is my...


Son in law...

Semoga bener :)
Brother in law

seinget aku

Apa nama mata uang portugal ?


nama mata uang portugal adalah Euro
Nama mata uang portugal adalah euro

semoga bermanfaat.......

Macam macam minuman dalam bahasa inggris


Juice manggo,juice apple,orange juice,dll
What kind of drink..................

Why was helen keller special


Minta artikan kah?

Kenapa hellen Keller special? Tuh artinya sorry klo bukan itu yang di mau
Itu mau diartikan apa gimana?

tolong jwb. ini soal x. just to inform you that the meeting willbe cancelled for tomorrow mon.26 2016 at 10 a.m. as the principal will arrive from singapore tonight. tolong arti kan ya b.indonesia x apa.


"Hanya menginformasikan kepada Anda bahwa pertemuan akan dibatalkan untuk besok Senin, 26 2016 pada pukul 10:00 karena kepala sekolah akan tiba dari Singapura malam ini."
Hanya menginformasikan kepada Anda bahwa pertemuan akan dibatalkan untuk besok Senin tanggal 26 tahun 2016 pukul 10 pagi karena kepala kantor akan datang dari Singapura nanti malam.

past tense ke present continous tense.soalnya she sang a song last week ke present continous tense=......


She is singing a song today

Dia sedang menyanyikan sebuah lagu hari ini

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
She is singing a song right now.

past tense ke present continous tense.soalnya past tense=i got a new bicycle two days ago ke present continous tense=......


I am getting a new bicycle today

Saya sedang mendapatkan sebuah sepeda baru hari ini

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
I am getting a new bicycle now

Good Luck! ^^

present continous tense ke past tense.soalnya present continous tense=they are swimming at fun park today ke past tense=.....


They swam at fun park yesterday

Mereka berenang di taman bermain kemarin

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
They swam at Fun Park yesterday.

Belajar bahasa inggris pertama apayang harus dikuasai


Kata-kata dasar dan pengucapan kata atau kalimat dalam bahasa inggris
Pertama tama harus tau artinya
semoga membantu

Please help me to make a sentences by using ; 1. Prefer
2. Like
3. Love
4. Enjoy
5. hate
6. dislike
7. dont like...

and without using Google Translate, Thank You!


The answer is :
1. my father told me to be a cop, but i prefer to be a pilot
2. I like to be a normal person.
3. I love her, but i don't have the courage to say it
4. We are enjoying the most breathtaking view rightnow
5. She realy hates me because she realy envy to me
6. They dislike eferyone because they thing that they are the greatest 
7. I realy don't like her because she so arrogant
1. Some people like an ice cream, but i prefer a cake
2. I like read comic books
3. I love the way you are
4. Listen and enjoy the music
5. I hate when people ignore me
6. Too many dislike in this post
7. I don't like mathematic

Pertanyaan Lainnya
jelaskan peran aktif indonesia dalam menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi di negara lain dalam percaturan internasional Hukum bacaan yang terdapat dalam surah al hujurat ayat 9-10 ada 40 orang siswa dengan berat badan rata-ratanya adalah 49,4 kg. dengan rata-rata berat badan laki-laki adalah 55 dan rata-rata berat badan perempuan 47 kg. berapa perbandingan siswa laki-laki dan perempuan Bagaimana caranya agar tumbuhan dan hewan tetap ada sebuah prisma dengan alas berbentuk brlah ketupat mempunyai panjang diagonal 24cm dan 10cm.Jika tinggi prisma 8 cm luas permukaan prisma adalah? bila dalam suatu ekosistem semua makhluk hidup yang termasuk konsumen mati, maka peristiwa selanjutnya yang akan terjadi adalah Adalah contoh polutan primer merupakan hasil pembakaran Sebutkan dan jelaskan gaya yang dilakukan dalam tolak peluru Siswa:berdasarkan catatan yang kami miliki, tahun kemarin, sekolah kita pernah menjuarai kejuaraan sekolah bersih tingkat nasional.bagaimana starategi sekolah untuk mencapai prestasi itu? kepala sekolah:saya menanamkan kesadaran kepada siswa, guru, dan petugas sekolah untuk hidup bersih.strategi itulah yang menyebabkan sekolah kita meraih prestasi. topik pembicaraan: kata kunci: Limas dengan alas segitiga siku-siku mempunyai panjang sisi siku-sikunya 7 cm dan 24 cm. jika tinggi limas 30 cm, volume limas adalah...cm² Answer science my pals here unit 21 Limas persegi beraturan mempunyai panjang 12 cm dan tinggi 23 cm,berapakah volume nya dua mobil A dengan B saling mendekati dari jarak 600m.mobil a bergerak lurus dengan kecepatan 10 meter per sekon dan mobil B bergerak dengan kecepatan 15 meter per sekon. jika kedua mobil mulai bergerak pada waktu yang sama, kedua mobil saling berpapasan pada detik ke........ Apakah megalodon masih hidup? Siapakah tokoh yang memilih anggota PPKI 3 usaha untuk menghemat dan memelihara sda Cermin yang paling penting untuk spion kendaraan adalah cermin...???? Jelaskan pwngaruh biaya produksi terhadap jumlah penawaran! Bagaimana rumus prisma keliling suatu persegi panjabg 80cm.Jika perbandingan panjang dan lebarnya 7:3,maka luas persegi panjang adalah