We can see a.....in tawamangun


Jawaban 1
We can see a waterfall in tawamangun

Pertanyaan Terkait

X=....that shoes y=it is forty five thousand rupiahs


X= how much that shoes 

The story "malin kundang" is from....


The story of malin kundang is from west sumatra

The story"surabaya" is from


The story surabaya is from surabaya , east java

The dry season in indonesia lasts for.....months



Semoga membantu mu

Dina plants the flower in the....


Dina plants the flower in the GARDEN
Dina plants the flower in the garden 

Sixty three minus fourteen is


Forty nine

Semoga Dapat Membantu Mu
Forty nine
*Insya allah bnr*

X:hello,everybody! y:my....is santy



maap kalo salah....

In the morning i say .....to my mother


Jawabannya adalah Good morning :)
In the morning I say Good Morning Mom to my mother

The story of "Nyi roro kidul" is from....


Java indonesia...............
The story of "Nyi roro kidul" is from south beach

The rain is heavy.will you....me an umbrella?


The rain is heavy. will you lend me an umbrella?
artinya : Hujannya sangat deras. Bisakah kamu meminjamkanku payung?
The rain is heavy.will you "borrow" me an umbrella?

Don't forget to....the door and the window before leaving


Dont forget to close the door and the window before leaving
Don't forget to "clock" the door and the window before leaving

It is very....it will rain soon


It is very cloudy. it will rain soon
artinya : Cuaca sangat mendung. hujan akan segera turun.
It is very cloudy, it will rain soon

It is irma's school bag.it is...school bag


It is Irma's school bag. it is her school bagartinya : Ini adalah tas sekolah irma. ini adalah tas sekolahnya.

HIS adalah kata ganti kepunyaan (laki2)
HER adalah kata ganti untuk menunjukkan dia (perempuan) sebagai objek, juga sebagai kata ganti kepunyaan (perempuan)
It is irma's school bag.it is "her" school bag

The person who treats the patients the patient who has a toothache is called


*the person who treats patients who has a toothace is called 


We use a....to make circle


We use a protractor to make circle.
artinya :
kita menggunakan busur derajat untuk membuat lingkaran
Jangkar /maaf gak tau bahasa inggrisnya

Dina break the glass.her mother feels


Dina break the glass. Her mother feel so angry.
Her mother feels: angry

Bahasa inggrisnya dimohon untuk tidak membawa narkoba di area sekolah


Please don't bring any kind of drugs around the school
Please do not bring drugs on school grounds

Contoh menjabarkan drug free school zone


As a response to the epidemic of crack drugs in cities, the Comprehensive Crime Control Act was passed. This law was intended to reduce the number of arrests for drug-related offenses in designated school zones as well as to reduce drug use among school-age children. By using community-based collaboration between various local agencies, drug-free school zones were seen as a model prevention and deterrence program. Partnerships between school, community and law enforcement were also seen as a protective social network that would decrease the chances of children engaging in deviant behavior. Decreasing the availability of drugs in and around schools was the primary focus in reaching these intended outcomes.

Tuliskan naskah drama dalam bahasa inggris (tragedy) 6org durasi 15 menit


You should calm, we are here to help you study and not to do all of your homework dumbass.

Buatin deskripsi bahasa inggris tentang my close friend
Cepat ya.
Thank you


My Close Friend
   I have a close friend, her full name is Dinamardhatila. But we can call her Dina. She is my classmate. She lives in Jogja. She has a happy family, her parents and a sister. She is the second daughter in her family.
    Dina is fourteen years old. She is beautiful. She has white skin. She has a long black hair. Her hair is straight. She has brown eyes. She has sharp nose and thin lips. Her height is 155 cm, she is taller than me. She is slim because her weight is only 40 kg. More over, Dina is a kind a person, because she always help me and all her friend to do homework. She is very smart, she is the first rank in the classroom.In addition, she has some hobbies. They are writing and singing. She likes to write a short story. Her short story is very interesting. She always practice in writing everyday. So, she is good in writing. Furthermore, she also like singing. Her favorite song is Sorry and her favorite singer is Justin Bieber. Her voice is very melodious, I like her voice. I am happy to be friend with her. And so all of my friend.

Pertanyaan Lainnya
Contoh pemanfa,atan lingkungan hidup X=....that shoes y=it is forty five thousand rupiahs seutas tali di potong menjadi 5 bagian dengan panjang masing masing membentuk barisan geometri . jika potongan tali terpendek 5cm dan potongan tali terpanjang 80cm, maka panjang tali semula adalah ... Buatlah contoh kalimat dengan kata sifat perbandingan berikut ini : sekuat,lebih kuat,terkuat Unsur perangkat daerah kota yang menangani urusan administrasi adalah Kakak yang pinter/jago dengan pelajaran fisika tolong dibantu ya. 1. Sebuah sonometer menghasilkan frekuensi 220 Hz. Frekuensi yang dihasilkan jika diameter senar diperbesar 4 kali adalah... 2. Jika resonansi kedua terjadi pada kolom udara setinggi 45 cm, resonansi pertama terjadi pada saat kolom udara setinggi... 3. Sebuah garputala digetarkan diatas mulut tabung dan terjadi resonansi pertama saat tinggi kolom udara 17 cm. Apabila cepat rambat bunyi di udara 340m/s, frekuensi getaran garputala adalah..... 4. Bunyi guntur terdengar 1/12 menit setelah kilatnya terlihat oleh pengamat. Jika cepat rambat bunyi di udara 340 m/s, jarak antara pengamat dengan tempat terjadinya kilat adalah... Kaka dokter dan yang pinter ipa,di jawabnya pakai caranya ya ka,yang jelas dan tepat. The story "malin kundang" is from.... Dampak negatif pengatur keasaman Bagaimana pendapatmu mengenai pengaruh PD 2 terhadap pendudukan jepang di indonesia Kenapa kolonial eropa datang ke indonesia ? ? ? Yel yel regu rajawali The story"surabaya" is from Sebutkan dan jelaskan Sejarah : Proses Masuknya Islam di Indonesia Tentukan bilangan oksidasi dari a. O2 b. KMnO4 c. NO3 Hitinglah sin 30°-tan30°cos 30° Apa pengertian predasi dan parasitisme ? ? ? Hasil dari 81 1/4 × 4 3/2 adalah Bentuk staffel beserta isinya Tuliskan kelemahan dan kelebihan badan usaha perseorangan! Bagaimana perjuangan kartini dalam kemajuan wanita indonesia